11 Products to Try When You Have IBS

Ughhh…being bloated, distended or constipated (pardon my French) sucks!  You may be sitting somewhere right now (at work, in your car, about to get on a plane, at dinner, at an event), feeling like you can’t get out of the way from your bloated self (and you wore your slightly tight jeans/pants today with a button that’s pressing into your abdomen *facepalm*)!

Aches and pains concept. Woman having bad ache and pain. Female placing hands on stomach.

The distention and pain is annoying and fills you with anxiety.  It’s hard to put on a happy face when you feel so sick and sluggish.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be visible (bloating, distention) or invisible (abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, depression, hopelessness).   I wish there was more awareness around IBS so people like you and me could just have friends, family and co-workers that understand. Maybe someday we can all help to grow awareness to a point where IBS is more understood and accepted as something REAL and not interpreted as something in our heads….for now, let’s focus on you.

While the low-FODMAP diet is a great dietary approach to help relieve symptoms of IBS, sometimes we need a little more than diet to help.

When you’re having stressful IBS moments, there might be other things you can do. I’ve listed some recommendations below for products you can try.

Please note that everything I’ve listed below is purely for educational purposes and it is best to discuss most of them (like supplements) with your physician.

*Remember, at the present time there is no cure for IBS, and no magical pill to take care of your symptoms, but there is hope through alternative means.

*Typically when someone is following the low-FODMAP diet, a FODMAP-trained nutritionist will suggest not taking any supplements so as to receive a more accurate indication of possible triggers of IBS.  If before or after you have tried the low-FODMAP diet and want to try the products below, all supplements listed appear to be low in FODMAPs due to the ingredients used (no lactose, wheat, or FODMAPs such as fructooligosaccharides).

Psyllium Husk: 

Several products are available to help with constipation and diarrhea but many are made with FODMAPs or ingredients you may not necessarily need.  When in doubt, use products that have the least amount of ingredients and go natural!  I personally use psyllium husk to help with constipation and it can also be used to help with diarrhea.  It can also help with hemorrhoids and IBD.  Dr. Kevin Curran, founder of EthnoHerbalist goes into more detail about the benefits of psyllium husk.  Please read his article here.  Dr. Curran holds a PhD in molecular biology and currently serves as a professor at the University of San Diego, teaching courses on Cell Biology and Ethnobotany.

  • Organic India Whole Husk Psyllium, 12-Ounce – I like this brand and I add it to smoothies, lactose-free yogurt, gluten-free and low-FODMAP cereal.
    • Learn more from the University of Maryland Medical Center about other uses, precautions and possible interactions.

Peppermint Enteric-Coated Capsules:

Another natural option to help with symptoms of IBS, I have found peppermint enteric-coated capsules to be helpful when I feel bloated like a Macy’s Day Parade balloon!  On their own, peppermint enteric-coated capsules don’t completely relieve me, but they do help.  They may work for you – just remember, we are all different and every gut is different in the way it responds or reacts to supplements, food, stress, the environment and therapy.

Peppermint has been shown to be a calcium channel blocker of muscle.  What that means is peppermint has the ability to block calcium shifts within muscle cells, enabling muscles to relax.

As reported in the New York Times Well Blog: “In a report financed by the American College of Gastroenterology and published in the journal BMJ in 2008, scientists conducted an analysis of previous studies comparing peppermint oil with placebo in about 400 patients. Ultimately, they found that only 26 percent of patients treated with peppermint oil — typically administered twice daily in capsule form, for a period of one to three months — continued to show symptoms of I.B.S. after treatment, compared with 65 percent of those who were given placebo. The scientists concluded that the evidence was compelling enough that more studies should be conducted, and that in the interim, ‘current national guidelines for the management of the condition should be updated to include these data.'”


Any organic Peppermint tea may help to ease your gut but another tea I really like is Smooth Move Tea by Traditional Medicinals.  This tea  has not been tested for FODMAPs, however, it may help when you have constipation.  When needed, I drink this tea before bedtime and then drink a glass of tepid water in the morning and usually find relief not too long after – which means that if you have this tea make sure you’re not planning on running out of the house early the next morning or partaking in vigorous exercise – you WILL need a bathroom close by :).  I also like to take this tea with me when I travel because traveling often sets off constipation.  You can see the ingredients here.

Digestive Enzymes:

When taken right before a meal, digestive enzymes may help to break down difficult-to-digest proteins, starches and fats into compounds that make nutrients easier to digest, and they can also decrease the number of colonized microorganisms in the stomach.  Digestive enzymes help the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and small intestine to not have to work as hard. Digestive enzyme production declines with age so people 35 years and older may benefit more from taking them. Your doctor may also suggest hydrochloric acid supplements.  Other health issues that may respond well to digestive enzymes are: Crohn’s disease, liver disease, hypochlorhydria, deficiencies in iron, vitamins B12, D and A.

Pancreatic Enzymes:

Pancreatic enzymes may bring on some mild relief when taken with meals.  They can help digest and break down foods, keeping food particles from wandering too far and deep into the gastrointestinal tract and so the bacteria is essentially starved.  Speak with your physician before use.

Water Bottle:

That’s right.  A water bottle.  Something very simple yet so effective!  I bet most people reading this post do not drink enough water.  I carry a large water bottle around with me all day to stay hydrated.  When empty, I fill it right back up and continue drinking. Sometimes I add ice and lemon juice.

Chicken Broth:

When my gut is all bent out of shape I reach for chicken broth.  It’s warm and soothing, easily digestible, low in calories and fat and rich in a few minerals.  I either make my own chicken broth at home (there’s a recipe in my book The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook) or I use this brand which is low in FODMAPs based on the ingredients used:


If constipation strikes do you ask yourself: “Have I moved enough today?”  Often times we become constipated because we haven’t exercised or moved enough.  A simple 15-30 minute walk might do wonders for you.  In order to track my activity for the day and to encourage more steps and movement, I use the FitBit Zip Wireless pedometer.  I also make sure I’m drinking enough water and eating low-FODMAP sources of fiber.

Heating Pads:

Ahhh I love heating pads!  If you try a heating pad, it can act as a muscle relaxant to relieve any painful spasms and cramping you feel in your abdomen.

When sitting back with a heating pad, if you have the opportunity, close your eyes and use that time to meditate.  Your mind and the rest of your body may also relax, leaving you feeling much better than anticipated.  If meditating solo is not your thing (or you have difficulty silencing your mind as many of us do), connect headphones to your phone and use a self-guided meditation app or check out some free meditations online.  

Perhaps one of the best things you can do when you have IBS is to meditate
Perhaps one of the best things you can do when you have IBS is to meditate

Self-Guided Meditation Apps and Online Meditation:


Low-FODMAP Cookbook:E Low FODMAP Diet CB.indd

Looking for ways to eat with peace of mind and cook or bake delicious foods using low-FODMAP ingredients? My book  The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook features over 300 low-FODMAP and gluten-Free recipes, plus diet tips, menu plans and more!  Buy here on Amazon.  Learn more about the book here.


Pimentel M.D., Mark (2008-01-01). A New IBS Solution: Bacteria-The Missing Link in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (p. 97). Health Point Press. Kindle Edition.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Follow/like/comment on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest.

Looking for help on the low-FODMAP diet?  Ask me about my nutritional coaching services by contacting me here.

Be good to yourself and your gut!BEC_6825

Colleen Francioli

Certified Nutritionist Consultant
Founder FODMAP Life & BonCalme


Recipe Preview from The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook!

Low-FODMAP Raspberry Lemon Chia Seed Jam
Low-FODMAP Raspberry Lemon Chia Seed.  Photo by Kelly Jaggers from The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook by Colleen Francioli, CNC, copyright © 2016 by F+W Media, Inc.

May is Going to Be Awesome

I am looking forward to May for a couple reasons.  For one, we will be celebrating my son’s first birthday (I am planning a Ferrari theme and think I’ll have more fun that most of the kids).  It will also be my first Mother’s Day as a Mom and May is also my birthday month as well.  And lastly it is the month of my book launch.  I wrote over 300 low-FODMAP and gluten-free recipes, plus menu plans, tips and advice (like reading labels, how to eat out, hidden FODMAPs and wellness tips to name a few) and more.  It was a very rewarding process, and I also learned new tricks – like how to type out ingredients with one finger while breastfeeding my baby!  Yes, that happened, many times.  I wrote the book in under two months, while my husband and I cared for my son at just five months of age.

I Wrote the Recipes for You

My fans have taught me a lot over the years with FODMAP Life, commenting on my blog and social media channels.  One topic that always comes up is recipes.  You want them to be delicious, flavorful, you want some of the classics and most of the time, you want them to be easy or quick to make (and I am busy too, so I understand!).  You will find plenty of recipes like those in the book, but I also included some recipes that require a bit more TLC and finesse.  My fans are from all over the world, so in the book you will also see dishes that are culturally inspired.  I also took very traditional recipes and made them low-FODMAP – the types of recipes only your oenophile or epicurean friends would respect!

More Than Just a Cookbook

The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook also includes a chapter dedicated to the basics of the diet, as well as advice and tips like how to read labels to find low- or high-FODMAPs, how to eat out on the diet, how to plan meals, and how to work in stress relief for a calm body and mind. Menu plans, low- and high-FODMAP food lists and diet resources can also be found in the appendices.

Mmmm What’s Delicious in the Book?

Some of the recipes featured are: Cranberry Almond Granola, Strawberry Coconut Almond Smoothie, Quinoa, Corn, and Zucchini Fritters, Coconut Curry Lemongrass Soup, Roasted Parsnips with Rosemary, Blueberry-Glazed Chicken, Citrus Flank Steak, Grilled Swordfish with Pineapple Salsa, Mexican Risotto and Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes. Included in the book are breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes, condiments, sauces and dressings, cookies, bars, desserts, drinks as well as a chapter “from scratch” featuring recipes for low-FODMAP bread, pizza dough and more. Chapters for vegetarian, vegan as well as main dishes and snacks for children also included.

How to Purchase

The Everything® Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook is available from these booksellers:

Publisher: F+W Media. Publish Date: May 6, 2016

Thanks for supporting FODMAP Life with your purchase of the book!

Good to Know

Many condiments sold today are made with high-FODMAP ingredients, however, my book includes recipes for several different condiments, sauces and dressings that you can make very easily at home and use right away or store for later use.  Enjoy the recipe below:


Raspberry Lemon Chia Seed Jam (Low-FODMAP, GF, Vegan)

This jam is delicious on a warm gluten-free scone, on gluten-free toast with butter, or mixed into a tub of lactose-free yogurt.


Makes 1 cup

  • 1/2 pint (or 6 ounces) fresh raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds


  1. Add fruit, lemon juice, lemon zest, and maple syrup to a small saucepan and cook over medium-high heat. Cover. Stir occasionally until fruit begins to thicken, about 10 minutes.
  2. Uncover and bring mixture to a boil until it develops a sauce-like consistency, about 5 minutes.
  3. Stir in chia seeds and cook 2 more minutes. Stir again and then remove from heat.
  4. Transfer jam to an airtight jar or other container and allow to cool, or refrigerate 2–3 hours before use. The jam will continue to thicken. Can be stored in refrigerator 2 weeks or frozen up to 2 months.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Follow/like/comment on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest.

Looking for help on the low-FODMAP diet?  Ask me about my nutritional coaching services by contacting me here.

Be good to yourself and your gut!BEC_6825

Colleen Francioli

Certified Nutritionist Consultant
Founder FODMAP Life & BonCalme

Introducing: The First U.S. Low FODMAP Food Distributer


Read how a young and determined student at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California is working on a way to help low-FODMAP dieters in the U.S. to have more access to low-FODMAP foods and products – yes we may be closer than you think!

The first ever U.S. Low FODMAP Food Distribution organization is almost here

“The Low FODMAP diet changed my life after being diagnosed with SIBO, lactose intolerance, fructose malabsorption, and IBS-C at age 19, for the best and for the worst.  While my symptoms have improved, I am frustrated and bored with the limited food options that I now have to choose from.  My eating habits revolve around reading labels, researching snack options, cooking meals, and stressing about whether or not I am going to get sick from the food I just ate.  Worst of all, I am hesitant to go on vacations and trips with friends and family because I fear that I won’t have anything to eat while away from my kitchen.  More importantly, however, I know that I am not alone in these difficulties.  This is my inspiration for starting , a food distributor for safe, certified, low FODMAP foods from around the world.  Can you imagine walking into a grocery store and finding a low FODMAP section with tons of snack options?  Just spot the FODMAP friendly stamp and put it in your cart! This sounds like a fantasy to me, but it is time to make it a reality.

“My goal is to eliminate the stress of people with IBS and other chronic digestive issues…”

“By importing low FODMAP foods from around the world, U.S. Low FODMAP Food Distribution will provide a one-stop online market for FODMAPers to nourish themselves, stress and symptom free.  It is time for us to experience the convenience of purchasing low FODMAP labeled foods in order to follow this great diet without daily hardships.   My goal is to eliminate the stress of people with IBS and other chronic digestive issues through convenient, diverse, and Low FODMAP food options imported into the U.S. and to promote the Low FODMAP certification programs to more U.S. food brands.

“Eventually, I believe retailers will realize the impact that this diet can have on millions of people’s lives, and we will begin to live that low FODMAP fantasy that I can only dream of right now.

Please come and support Randi as she grows her new venture, US Low FODMAP Food Distribution, by liking her Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/uslowFODMAP .


IMG_8522Randi Stecki has been struggling with digestive problems since the day she was born.  After 19 years of constant stomach aches, she was finally diagnosed with lactose intolerance, SIBO, fructose malabsorption, and IBS-C.  While she was relieved that she finally had a diagnosis, her life changed dramatically as she had to change her eating habits to follow the low FODMAP diet.  Now, Randi spends a lot of time learning how to eat properly, reading low FODMAP blogs, and discovering new ways to help people, like herself, feel better with less hassle.  She recently started U.S. Low FODMAP Food Distribution to eliminate the stress of people with chronic digestive issues through convenient, diverse, and Low FODMAP food options imported into the U.S.A.

Randi studies entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California where she is continuously learning new ways to grow her business.  As a dancer, her strong sense of artistry and creativity help her develop new and innovative ways of reaching her goals.  She utilizes these skills through work with a non-profit organization Dizzy Feet Foundation and a local start-up, Revita Ink.  While Randi loves cooking, fitness, music, dance, and having lunch (low FODMAP of course!) with friends, she finds ultimate happiness and joy through helping others and is so excited to see how her new business can enhance the quality of people’s lives.



Don’t forget to follow FODMAP Life on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Follow/like/comment on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest.

Looking for help on the low-FODMAP diet?  Ask me about my nutritional coaching services by contacting me here.

Be good to yourself and your gut!BEC_6825

Colleen Francioli

Certified Nutritionist Consultant
Founder FODMAP Life & BonCalme


Low-FODMAP Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake

I have always loved Valentine’s Day.  Relationship or not, Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to go a little further and show someone how much you love them.  Maybe you really love your BFF because she/he has been so good to you – why not surprise them with a bottle of champagne?  Or what about your immediate family – has anyone gone out of their way for you?  Simply sending a card or a virtual card to say “thank you” and “I love you” goes a long way.  Life is truly unpredictable, and sometimes the people we love most appreciate just a little show of affection!  So show someone you care right now.  In fact, you could show someone you care in five minutes with this delicious low-FODMAP mug cake 🙂

Low-FODMAP Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake


low fodmap mug cake2 tablespoons all-purpose gluten-free flour like Bob’s Red Mill
1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder like Nutivas Naturals
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda

1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon turbinado sugar

1 egg white, large

1 tablespoon smooth natural peanut butter (or allergen-friendly SunButter)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
4 tablespoons almond milk, unsweetened


  1. Bring coconut oil to room temperature or melt just slightly first in microwave
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a medium size bowl
  3. Add wet ingredients and mix
  4. Spray a mug with oil and transfer batter into mug
  5. Microwaves very but most will bake the mug cake at 1 minute on high

And if you want to be on the healthier side, here is my:

Healthy Chocolate Mug Cake


2 tablespoons all-purpose gluten-free flour
1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 tablespoon turbinado or muscovado sugar

1 egg white, large
1 teaspoon coconut oil
4 tablespoons almond milk, unsweetened

Same directions as above!


  • Add 1 tablespoon low-FODMAP protein powder like Jay Robb’s Unflavored Egg Protein Powder
  • Use maple syrup instead of coconut palm sugar
  • Add unsweetened shredded coconut
  • Add 1 tablespoon crushed low-FODMAP nuts like walnuts or macadamia nuts
  • Make it vegan by using a flax egg instead of an egg

Enjoy and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Don’t forget to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Follow/like/comment on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest.

Be good to yourself and your gut!

Colleen Francioli

Certified Nutritionist Consultant
Founder FODMAP Life & BonCalme

colleen frnacioli

You’ve Got IBS. Should You Try Bone Broth?

low fodmap bone brothAnytime I hear of some “new” diet or a food trend touting magical powers I am always a bit skeptical (like most people!).  When I first learned about the low-FODMAP diet I was also on the fence until I kept digging, and digging and digging to find that the diet actually did work, was backed by science and it wasn’t a fad.  Which brings me to bone broth.  How long will the bone broth trend stay around?  Is it so 2015?  Will it not turn into a fad and become something greater….and…will it help when my IBS gets out of control?  If you are wondering the same, keep reading as I have done a little bit of research for you and also included a low-FODMAP bone broth recipe for you to try.

Bone broth isn’t new and it certainly isn’t fancy or hard to make.  You might have heard about bone broth or stock in circles of those following the paleo diet but it really can be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys meat.  The nutritional value of bone broth varies depending on the amount or types of bones used, the amount or types of vegetables and also how long the broth is cooked.  As food trends go, I like this one because it’s influenced more people to cook at home and with natural ingredients.  I’ve also heard some people are ditching coffee for bone broth because of the way it makes them feel once they start the day. If you are on the low-FODMAP diet and find that coffee irritates your gut (check my grocery list to see which types of coffee or tea are low in FODMAPs), bone broth could be another satisfying drink for you.

What are people saying about bone broth?  Many say this centuries-old concoction containing collagen, amino acids and minerals has powerful healing properties, so powerful that bone broth can help soothe an angry gut, alleviate join pain, boost immunity, as well as brighten your complexion and give your hair some shine.  As for our guts, its possible that the gelatin in bone broth from the cartilage of different animals can help with leaky gut, gut flora imbalances (dysbiosis), chronic diarrhea, constipation, and some food intolerances.  Again this is all possible, but little scientific evidence exists to prove bone broth is a magical, healing wonder-drink.  One thing is for sure, the ingredients in bone broth are nutritious all on their own and when you have IBS, it’s wise to consider eating as many natural and un-processed foods as possible.  When we eat processed foods our guts and our bodies don’t know what to do with man-made food additives like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup, a high-FODMAP), artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, trans fats and MSG to name just a couple.

I’ve been given two books to review that cover the basics of bone broth, how to live healthier and a plan to follow using bone broth to help detox the body as well as heal the gut.  They are both great books but do not include 100% low-FODMAP foods or low-FODMAP bone broth recipes.  I am not going to include them here on FODMAPLife.com but you can read my reviews on them herelow fodmap bone broth1

So beyond all the things people are claiming bone broth is capable of doing for our health, there’s one thing that is for certain – I’m hearing several people say they feel good after drinking it.  That lead me to create a low-FODMAP bone broth recipe to try at home and guess what.  I really enjoyed it.  I liked the taste and I also felt it calmed my insides during a recent bout with IBS.  I had been slightly distended for a couple days but after drinking the broth, I felt less tension in my abdomen and by evening my stomach was back to it’s normal size.  Yes it’s possible something else could have tamed my insides or it might have just been the fact that I took a moment out to calmly sip the warm broth.  Either way, I have more bone broth leftover and I will be drinking it again soon.

low fodmap bone broth2

Consider trying this recipe to have bone broth on hand for when your gut needs a little boost.  You just need a couple ingredients, an oven and a slow cooker.  If you’re not sure about bone broth, I have found chicken soup to be very helpful when my gut is not doing so hot, and a few studies back up chicken soup’s medicinal value, possibly from the combination of nutrient-dense chicken and vegetables.  You can always make your own low-FODMAP chicken broth, stock or soup at home.  If you try making any other bone broth recipes make sure not to include high-FODMAPs  that are most commonly found in the ingredients like onions, mushrooms, garlic, cider vinegar and honey.

low fodmap bone broth3

Low-FODMAP Bone Broth

Makes 5 cups (40 ounces) or more, depending on how much water you use

  • 1 pound beef bones – preferably from 100% grass fed, pasture raised cattle that are hormone and antibiotic free.  I only used brisket bones but you can use one type of bone or a mixture.
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 stalk celery*
  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Place bones on a baking sheet and coat all sides with olive oil.  Place in oven and roast for 1 hour, turning once.
  3. Meanwhile, cut off ends of celery and cut into chunks.  Cut off ends of carrot, peel and cut into chunks.
  4. Remove bones from oven and place in a slow cooker.  Add in carrot, celery, bay leaves, peppercorns, turmeric (anti-inflammatory spice), vinegar, carrot and celery.  Stir to combine.  Cover with enough water to cover all ingredients and cook for 8-10 hours.
  5. Remove cover from slow cooker and skim off fat.  Place a strainer over a large bowl and pour bone broth through strainer, throwing away vegetables and bones.  You may also keep meat from bones to make a soup or add to stir fry.
  6. Place broth in canning jars and store in refrigerator for 4-5 days or pour into 1-cup muffin trays and place in freezer until frozen.  Then pop out and place into bags and record date cooked; freeze for up to 2 months.

*A low-FODMAP per person serving for celery is a 1/4 medium stalk.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Follow/like/comment on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest.

Be good to yourself and your gut!

Colleen Francioli

Certified Nutritionist Consultant
Founder FODMAP Life & BonCalme

colleen frnacioli


Low-FODMAP, Nut-Free Cranberry Bars!

I like doing things on my own especially if in the long run it will save me money, make me healthier and help me avoid a headache.  That’s where the term “Make-Ahead” comes into play with the low-FODMAP diet!  “Convenience bars” can be bought at the store, but you’ll find that by standing there for minutes on end, reading the tiny little print on the wrappers, that many of them are not low in FODMAPs.  Plus some cost way too much money (if you think about how many you may have in one week, it adds up!).

So making food ahead of time is probably one of the best things you can do to have a successful run with the low-FODMAP diet, and it also means less stress (which is good for your gut).  The recipe I am sharing today is very easy to make and it’s also good for anyone with a nut allergy or for kids needing nut-free snacks for school.

Bring these bars to school, to work, out shopping, traveling, to have before a workout, or to an event – sometimes you never really know if an event/party/get-together will have low-FODMAP food options.


low fodmap nut free cranberry bars


  • 2 cups old fashioned oats* (I like Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Old Fashioned Rolled Oats)
  • 1/2 cup rice krispie or organic rice cereal
  • 1/2 cup + 2 teaspoons oat flour
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt
  • 1/4 cup ground and milled flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries, preferably without added sugar



  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Line a 9×13 pan with parchment paper
  3. Use the large bowl of your mixer to combine all of the dry ingredients and then a smaller bowl to combine the wet ingredients
  4. Combine the wet ingredients into the mixer and mix well
  5. Take the mixture and slowly use a spatula to spread it out evenly in the pan.
  6. Use a separate piece of parchment paper over top of the mixture and get a heavy book or other heavy flat object to press down evenly and firmly. Remove the parchment paper and bake for 16-18 minutes (don’t throw the top layer of parchment paper away).
  7. Once done, use the parchment paper and heavy object to squish down on the bars again.
  8. Place the pan on top of a cookie sheet and find a spot in the refrigerator to let the pan cool for about 15-20 minutes.  This will allow you to easily cut the bars into any length and width you like and it will give the bars a slightly more chewy texture.  Leaving the pan to cool outside instead of the refrigerator is not recommended.

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Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Vitamin D and Other Vitamins and Minerals

Great Vitamins for your guts!
Great Vitamins for your guts!

Did you know if you have IBS or IBD that you may be deficient in Vitamin D?  Vitamin D is a game-changer, or at least it was for me.  As soon as I started taking Vitamin D3, I started feeling better and had more energy!  There are a few steps you need to take in order to feel better when you have a digestive disorder, and Vitamin D is one very important step.

As we experience changes or abnormalities in our digestive patterns, our bodies cannot fully absorb dietary vitamin D.  Vitamin D strengthens our immune system and boosts immunity.  It also helps with depression.  Are you still listening dear FODMAP Life friend? 🙂

According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health: “Vitamin D supplementation could play a therapeutic role in the control of IBS...Vitamin D supplementation should be considered as a part of the therapeutic protocol in patients with IBS.”  If you aren’t taking Vitamin D, please keep reading!

What Does Vitamin D Do?

Vitamin D serves several purposes which can help with IBS symptoms, here are just a few with regard to IBS and digestion:

  • Enhances the immune system and stimulates the development of white blood cells (remember 70%+ of our immune system lies in our gut!)
  • Helps reduce inflammation in the body
  • Increases calcium absorption

What are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency?

If you don’t have enough Vitamin D and you suffer from IBD, you risk intestinal damage. The digestive tract of people with Crohn’s disease as well as Celiac disease cannot adequately absorb vitamin D.  If you have IBS and do not take Vitamin D, symptoms would not be as severe as the type of intestinal damage from Crohn’s or Celiac, but it could mean ongoing discomfort, pain, and some of the other symptoms you unfortunately know too well.

How to Test

Consider having your blood levels checked for any deficiencies in Vitamin D or other vitamins and nutrients (this goes for children as well).  You can ask your doctor for blood tests or order them online. These tests can help determine which vitamins a person lacks and those of which they are receiving enough naturally.  Vitamin and nutrition blood tests can also detect gluten, mineral, iron, calcium and other deficiencies.  Also, taking supplements without having blood levels checked isn’t recommended as one never knows exactly how much of a vitamin they are getting from food, and also in this case from the sun (see below).

How Much Vitamin D Do I Need?

If you have IBS and are trying out the low-FODMAP diet, try to have your blood levels checked and consider using Vitamin D3 instead of synthetic vitamin D2.  You will want to reach steady levels, so make time to see your doctor every three months to ensure you do.  An optimal range is 40-55 ng/ml.  Also depending on where you live and how much sun you receive, your doctor may ask you to take less in the summer and more in the winter.  If you live in Juneau, AK with the least amount of sun in the U.S. or in Iceland, you’ll need a good dose of Vitamin D year-round!

Your doctor may have you take up to 50,000 IUs per week to start.  Here is a more holistic approach to taking Vitamin D:

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): 15 mcg (600 IU) per day
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease):60-80 mcg (2,400 IU – 3,200 IU), depending on your weekly dose of sunshine; use lower does plus 1/2 hour sunshine, 4 times/week. Over age 50: 100-150 mcg (4,000-6,000 IU per day, again depending on your weekly dose of sunshine)
  • Therapy for specific problems: 125 mg -200 mcg (5,000 – 8,000 IU) per day.  At this level of supplementation, blood levels should be tested and not exceed 80 ng/ml.

Getting Some Sun

Our skin makes Vitamin D after exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (so cool, right?).  In order to synthesize Vitamin D in the skin, sun exposure is suggested for at least a ½ hour before sunscreen is applied (unless a doctor has suggested otherwise).

A blurb image of a yellow catfish with its mouth wide open awaiting food. The catfish is surrounded by ripples on the water.

Natural, Low-FODMAP Sources of Vitamin D

  • Catfish – Super food source
  • Salmon (canned or pink, coho, sockeye cooked by dry heat) – great food sources
  • Flounder/sole (cooked by dry heat) – good food source
  • Herring (fresh), sardines (canned in oil), eggs (yolks or whole) – support food sources
  • Regular milk – as long as you do not malabsorb lactose you can have milk during the elimination and challenge phase of the low-FODMAP diet.


Vitamin D levels exceeding 100 ng/mL can be dangerous because the extra vitamin D triggers extra calcium absorption.  Symptoms include muscle pain, mood disorders, abdominal pain and kidney stones. It may also increase risk for heart attack and stroke. That’s why it’s super important you don’t take too much Vitamin D.

Other Vitamins and Minerals

Having enough magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C are also vital to a healthy gut. Here the low-FODMAP foods that are natural sources to consider adding to your low-FODMAP regimen:

Magnesium – Green leafy vegetables like (spinach and Swiss chard), nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds). Avocados. Low-FODMAP foods:

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): 420 mg per day
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease): 750 mg per day
  • Therapy for specific problems: up to 1,000 mg per day

*If you increase your calcium without increasing magnesium, your body might not absorb enough magnesium.  It’s recommended to take magnesium at a different time than calcium.  If you have kidney disease you would need to be careful about not getting an excess of magnesium.

Zinc – Has been cited as helping those with leaky gut and Crohn’s disease and “that zinc supplementation can resolve permeability alterations in patients with Crohn’s disease in remission. Improving intestinal barrier function may contribute to reduce the risk of relapse in Crohn’s disease.  A deficiency in zinc can lead to diarrhea, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity.  Low-FODMAP foods: Oysters, Crab (Alaska King, Dungeness, Blue), braised/ground/top sirloin beef.

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): 11 mg per day
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease): 24 mg per day
  • Therapy for specific problems: 50-80 mg per day

*Calcium will interfere with zinc absorption if there’s an excess amount in diet/supplements.  High levels of iron supplementation can also interfere.  Loss of zinc can occur from heavy sweating, surgery, alcohol use and stress.

Calcium – If you know you do not malabsorb lactose, fat-free organic Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium.  Calcium will interfere with the absorption of zinc if there is excess in food or supplemental intake. 1,000-1,200 mg per day (chelated) is suggested before bedtime and between meals as there will be more acid in the stomach. Taking Vitamin A, C and D and magnesium are important in order to maximize calcium absorption.  Low-FODMAP foods: mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, romano cheese.

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): 800-1,000 mg per day
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease): 1,000-1,200 mg per day
  • Therapy for specific problems: up to 1,400 mg per day

*In order to maximize absorption of calcium, an adequate amount of Vitamin D, A & C are needed, as well as magnesium.  Chelated calcium (calcium citrate) also helps.

Vitamin A – Vitamin A works as an antioxidant and also increases the production of cells which increase resistance to infection in your immune system, helping to keep your system functioning normally.  It’s needed for growth within the intestinal tract and for the absorption of calcium.  Too much Vitamin A can also be toxic so take no more than 5,000 international units (IU) per day.  Low-FODMAP foods: carrots, sweet potatoes (up to 1/2 cup), squash, dark green and leafy low-FODMAP veggies as well as egg yolks.

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): DRI of 900 RAE per day (RAE value -retinol activity equivalent)
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease): 30,000 IU from carotenoids
  • Therapy for specific problems: 50,000 IU for chronic problems and 100,000 IU for 2 weeks for an acute issue 

*Alcohol use, a vitamin E deficiency, cortisone medications and a high iron intake can all decrease absorption of vitamin A.  Also when the body is ill or stressed to the max, it won’t store as much vitamin A.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a powerful immune booster and increases whit blood cell activity in the immune system.  It can also cause gas, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.  It is a natural laxative so do not take more than what your doctor recommends (or generally more than 2,000 mg).  Take between breakfast and lunch on an empty stomach.  Take in the form of ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate.  Low-FODMAP foods: red and yellow bell peppers, raw chopped kale, raw kiwis, raw strawberries cut in halves, raw chopped broccoli, raw navel oranges, berries, fresh raw pineapple, tomatoes.

  • Minimum (to prevent deficiency): 200 mg per day
  • Preventative (to prevent chronic disease): 600 mg per day
  • Therapy for specific problems: up to 5,000 mg per day  

*Since Vitamin C moves fast throughout the body, consider taking it every four hours to maximize absorption.  Aging, alcohol, allergies, antibiotics, aspirin, birth control pills, cortisone, diabetes, environmental toxins, fever, estrogen, illness, smoking and stress can all decrease absorption or increase the need for Vitamin C.


US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health, Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2001 May;7(2):94-8., Zinc supplementation tightens “leaky gut” in Crohn’s disease. Sturniolo GC1, Di Leo V, Ferronato A, D’Odorico A, D’Incà R.

Are You Taking Too Much Calcium, A or D? 

The Power of Nutrient Dense Food Patti Weller, C.C.N.

The information presented on this blog post is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Should you have any health care-related questions, call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

10 Things FODMAPers Can Relate To…

That look of fear/confusion when starting the diet - ha ha!
That look of fear/confusion when starting the diet – ha ha!

Hi again all!

A change from recipes today…

A little while after learning about the low-FODMAP diet I wrote the below, ’10 Things FODMAPers Can Relate To’. In case you missed it, and because the FODMAP diet is receiving more and more awareness all the time, I thought I’d share it once again.

So, if you’ve followed, or are currently following the diet, you may be able to relate to some or all of the below (and hopefully have a giggle at them too!)

10 Things FODMAPers Can Relate To:

1. Starting out on the diet, looking at the list of ‘no’ foods and wondering what on earth you CAN eat.

2. Furiously Googling ‘(insert food)… fodmap?’ into your phone at a supermarket, hoping it will be in the ‘yes’ list and doing a mini celebration upon realising it is!*
*Or instead using the Monash University Low-FODMAP App, which makes life easy!

3. Proudly producing a meal to others and saying “it’s low-FODMAP you know” – only to receive blank/”yeah, so what?” expressions.

4. Being asked what FODMAP stands for umpteen times, and responding with…”errr really long and complicated words – to do with fibres”.

5. Going to a restaurant and looking for the meal with least FODMAPs, only to end up opting for the meal with the most…somehow.

6. Be impressed by the ‘free-from’ aisle in the supermarket, only to realise that a large proportion of the gluten-free foods still contain bloomin’ FODMAPS – ARRRRRR!

7. Going for an all you can eat knowing full well you will regret it and not caring one bit (until afterwards…).

8. Seeing high-FODMAP foods as the enemy  *boooooo hissssss*

9. Becoming a food-version of ‘Mr/Ms Gadget’ carrying around weird and wonderful foods with you ‘just in case’.

10. Having a far happier tum/knowing your body much better since becoming a low-FODMAPer (hopefully…) and all the meal planning/change of lifestyle being completely worth it 🙂

Feel free to add to the list! Anna. xo

Beef Tacos: Low-FODMAP Recipe

Tasty Tacos - low-FODMAP style
Low-FODMAP tasty tacos!

Many Mexican dishes are automatically off the menu for FODMAPers; flour tortillas, enchiladas, burritos – but tacos, now they were made for us!! Yes, we can enjoy a good taco and that’s exactly what the following recipe is all about – taco time, in no time:

Ingredients (serves 2):
6 corn taco shells
250g mince beef
Spices – 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp oregano, pinch of chilli powder
1 bay leaf
2 handfuls of spinach
To top:
Cottage cheese 

Okay – let’s begin. In under 30 mins you’ll be sat crunching your way through some de-licious tacos.

1. Brown the mince. Once browned, add the spices and bay leaf, allowing the flavours to absorb into the mince. When cooked, have a quick taste to check that it’s to your spice-factor liking, adapting if necessary.
2. Line your taco shells with some spinach, add your beef taco mix, and finally, top with cottage cheese.
3. Crunch crunch crunch!

If you made the above for one person, rather than two, you might have some leftovers. Another great meal using the remaining mince is to bulk it out with wilted spinach – again, topped with cottage cheese when serving. THUMBS UP!

Happy crunching! xo

Bunless Burgers: Low-FODMAP Recipe

Mmm mm homemade burgers – simple to make, delicious, extremely versatile, and the best bit? You know exactly what’s gone into them. I have to admit I was shocked by the ingredients in shop bought versions – flour, additives, more additives…GAH! Why?! No thanks, none of that – just the good stuff. I used ingredients that I already had in – the result…paprika burgers topped with feta, tomato and chives – all the best recipes are random ones after all! 😉

FullSizeRender (2)Ingredients (makes 4 good sized burgers):
500g beef mince (or alternative mince)
Smoked paprika (or alternative seasoning)
1 tomato, sliced
Crumbled feta cheese
Drizzle of olive oil

1. Break up the mince meat and add any desired extras – in my case, paprika. Mix together well, and then divide into four equal portions. Create ‘burger’ shapes.
2. Pop the burgers on a baking tray in a foil parcel – drizzle with olive oil, and add any extras – in my case, sliced tomato. Into the oven for 20-30 minutes, or until cooked.
3. Pop the grill on, and add the burgers with the feta and chives – place under the grill for a couple of minutes until the feta has browned slightly.
4. Serve up with of sides choice – a side salad with some polenta chips, or potato salad, maybe? 🙂

Here’s some alternative low-FODMAP ingredients you could add…
Seasonings: Herbs (basil, mint, etc.), cumin, chilli.
Toppings: Sliced aubergine, pepper, mozzarella, camembert, cottage cheese, halloumi, olives.
Sauces: Mustard, mayonnaise.

Or you could always just have it as a conventional burger with a gluten-free bun – the options are endless!

How do you like yours? xo

Aubergine With Mozzarella And Tomato: Low-FODMAP Recipe

Aubergine With Mozzerella And Tomato
Aubergine With Mozzerella And Tomato

…Or ‘Aubergine Melts’ as BBC Good Food calls them… and melt in the mouth they do! Five ingredients (well, six actually – I added one more), with an approximate cooking time of 30 minutes…the perfect post-work dinner, especially in the summer months.

All you need (serves 1):
1 aubergine
A drizzle of olive oil
1 tomato, sliced
4 slices of mozzarella
Fresh basil
A drizzle of lemon juice

I adapted the recipe for one, and my method slightly varies from the original – see what suits!

Topped with crispy bacon
Topped with crispy bacon

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C.
2. Meanwhile, halve the aubergine lengthways and score with a knife so that you can drizzle the lemon juice and oil into the gaps.
3. Pop in the oven for 25 minutes, or as long as possible so that the aubergine has softened nicely.
4. Finally, add the sliced tomato, mozzarella, and basil and pop back in the oven – finish off under the grill for that extra touch.
5. Serve with sides of choice.

If you’d like to include meat in the dish, adding grilled bacon works a treat.

I love aubergine cooked this way – so simple, so healthy…

and so delicious! xo

Feta, Strawberry, And Spinach Toast: Low-FODMAP Recipe

A short but SWEET recipe using…

STRAWBERRIES! A real ‘treat’ food in my eyes as they can be on the expensive side and don’t tend to last long (well, definitely not when I’m around!) I picked up a lovely fresh punnet of strawberries the other day from my local greengrocers and, well, they were delicious! Other than enjoying them as they come (which, let’s face it, there’s nothing better), I found a new way of enjoying them as part of a light summer lunch or snack…

FullSizeRender - Copy (5)All you need:
2 slices of gluten-free bread
A handful of spinach
Feta cheese, crumbled
4-6 strawberries (depending on size), sliced
Lemon juice (optional)
Black pepper (optional)

1. Toast the bread.
2. Layer the toast with spinach and feta, followed by the sliced strawberries – drizzle with lemon juice.
3. Pop under the grill for a couple of minutes, until the feta and strawberries have softened slightly.
4. Season with black pepper and enjoy.

I really enjoyed the combination of the sweet juicy strawberries with the mild taste of the feta – oh, and it’s easypeasylemonsqueezy to make and on your plate in a matter of minutes! See what you think 🙂

Strawberry love. xo

Baked Eggs: Low-FODMAP Recipe

There are endless way to eat eggs – and here’s another to add to the list – baked! I saw this recipe on BBC Good Food and couldn’t wait to try! Oh, but wait right there…the recipe has onion, oh dear, and garlic, big oh dear. Cue the Monash University low-FODMAP app to help me adapt away (at this point I have a pretty good idea of the FODMAP-friendly foods, but having the app on hand is so very helpful to check portions, and for those forgetful moments!)

Baked Eggs: Low-FODMAP
Baked Eggs: Low-FODMAP

So, here’s what you’ll need to enjoy a FODMAP-friendly version (serves 2) of some de-licious baked eggs:
1 tbsp oil
1 chilli, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
2 400g tins of chopped tomatoes*
2 tsp paprika, plus extra for sprinkling
1 tsp cumin
Fresh basil
4 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
*I recommend buying better quality tins of tomatoes for a thicker sauce – the cheaper tomatoes are more watery (I used one can of each and noticed the difference)

These ingredients are just a guide – the joy of this recipe is that you can add to the tomato sauce whichever flavourings take your fancy.

1. Heat the oil in the pan. Then add the chopped chilli, red pepper and a few sprigs of fresh basil.
2. When softened, add the chopped tomatoes, paprika, cumin, and black pepper. When the flavours have mixed together, give it a taste (without burning your mouth!) and check that it is to your tastes, altering if necessary.
3. When you’re happy with the flavour, make four dips in the sauce using the back of a wooden spoon. Crack the eggs into each dip, adding a sprinkling of paprika and some more basil leaves. Don’t worry if it looks a bit messy – it’s not meant to be neat and tidy!
4. Now cover for 6-8 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked to your liking*
5. Serve up and enjoy with some gluten-free toast or potatoes, for brunch, or dinner.

*Make sure you have a frying pan with a lid, or some foil to cover the pan at step 4 – I was lid-less and wondering why the eggs weren’t cooking properly on top – duh! Foil to the rescue.

I really enjoyed this quick, healthy, and tasty dish – will definitely be making again! Just eggsellent (sorry!!) Hope you enjoy…

How do you like your eggs? xo

TRAVELING on the Low FODMAP diet: Tips to keep the belly happy (and a simple recipe)

Hi friends!! I am beyond STOKED to contribute to this blog 🙂 and I want to thank Colleen for welcoming me! I hope to be able to inspire others on this FODMAP journey, maybe making life a little easier!!!

Since MEMORIAL DAY is around the corner, which means Summer weekend getaways (woooohoooo)I thought what a better time than now to talk about traveling tips on the low FODMAP diet.  Lets face it, traveling can be super stressful when you are on a restrictive diet (and cause anxiety which is a BIGGGGG NO NO for us tummy issue folk). Here are few tips that work for me and keep me sane on my travels, since I refuse to let my dietary restrictions control MY LIFE ( I shall control them 😉 :


  • PEPPERMINT TEA BAGS: Perfect for taming an upset traveling tummy.
  • RICE CAKES: Lundberg brown rice are my fave.
  • JUSTINS ALMOND BUTTER PACKETS OR A JAR OF PEANUTBUTTER : I prefer PB since almond butter has a limit, 1 tbsp= about 12 almonds which is OVER the low FODMAP limit of 10 almonds. Nut butters are great to spread on your ricecakes with Banana coins for breakfast, snacks or whatev. Bananas are easy to find anywhere. Perfect airplane or train snack!
The perfect tummy friendly snack
The perfect tummy friendly snack
  • CINNAMON: for your bananas/ricecakes
  • OATMEAL: I bring gluten free Bobs Red Mill quick cooking oats in ziplock bags. Add boiling water in a paper cup, add chia seeds, bananas,peanutbutter, cinnamon: fiberfulBFAST!

    photo 3-2
  • CHIA SEEDS: Fiber when traveling!
  • ZIPLOCK BAGS/PLASTIC KNIVES/MEASURING CUPS: I pack these because you can easily carry your snacks around, use the knives to cut bananas, and measuring cups for your oats/chia seeds/nut butters.
  • PRE SOAKED NUTS : raw almonds,hazelnuts, walnuts (all limit 10), pumpkin seeds(2 tbsp), when soaked are easier for digestion.
  • DIY TRAILMIXES:  Throw in gluten free pretzels, nuts, any low fodmap cereal, ‘enjoy life’ choco chips.. etc, get creative here and know your limits..
  • HOMEMADE COOKIES: this is one of my FAV traveling items because they can keep well for a week in a mini fridge and it can work as a breakfast/snack/dessert when everyone else is indulging in ice-cream or whatever those non FODMAP people eat ;), take out a yummy cookie!

RECIPE: EASY Oatmeal Banana cookie

The easiest oatmeal cookie
The easiest oatmeal cookie
  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • 2 medium bananas
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda

Optional add-ins: 10 or so chopped almonds,hazelnuts or pecans ,1/4c unsweetened shredded coconut, 2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds, 1/4 c enjoy life chocolate chips..

Instructions: Mix ingredients together. Flatten about a tablespoon fof the mix on baking sheet sprayed with coconut oil. Bake at 350 c for 10-12 minutes until the bottoms are golden.  Makes about 10-15 cookies.




P.S.: AWESOME TIP FOR DINING OUT: I always tell my server that I have ALLERGIES rather than intolerances. I always find this makes them take it more serious!



Banana-Sultana Bread: Low-FODMAP Recipe

By Anna Lewin, FODMAP Journey

*Before I begin, please note: This recipe contains sultanas – there is differing information about the FODMAP content of sultanas, and further investigation is yet to be carried out. If in doubt, replace with dried cranberries, or another suitable FODMAP-friendly fruit.

This banana bread is everything banana bread should be: BANANA-TASTIC!

Get in my tum!
Get in my tum!

The recipe is from one of the booklets I received from the dietitian when I first started on the diet, courtesy of King’s College London, and one I have to share as it’s just so yum! It ticks all the boxes; adaptable,  low-FODMAP, simple, quick to make, inexpensive, freezable, and very more-ish! I added my own little touch with the lemon juice and poppy seeds…

With added lemon juice and poppy seeds...
With added lemon juice and poppy seeds…

250g gluten-free self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
125g sultanas*
4 bananas
2 eggs
1 tbsp golden syrup
100ml vegetable oil

To add after cooking (optional):
A healthy dash of lemon juice
A sprinkling of poppy seeds

Sliced and ready to freeze, or eat...
Sliced and ready to freeze, or eat…

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Mash the bananas, then mix with the golden syrup.
2. Add to this the eggs (already whisked) and the oil. Mix everything together.
3. Add the dry ingredients, mixing well.
4. Then pop the mixture into a lined/greased loaf tin. Into the oven it goes…
5. 40 minutes  later (or until cooked), take out the oven. Add the lemon juice and poppy seeds at this point. Then allow the bread to cool – taking out of the tin after a couple of minutes of cooling.
6. When cool enough to slice (or for as long as you can wait), enjoy a taste while it’s still warm (nothing beats it!) I had a slice (or two) with peanut butter and sliced fresh strawberries (with a nice cuppa, of course).
7. Store in an airtight tin or freeze, to enjoy again and again – I sliced before freezing for an easier life!

Homemade low-FODMAP banana bread with peanut butter and strawberries - delicious!
Homemade low-FODMAP banana bread with peanut butter and strawberries – delicious!

Something tells me I’ll be making more of this…
Happy Banana-Breading! xo

Recipe: Low-FODMAP and Gluten-Free Sesame Chicken with Spinach over Jasmine Rice

Fresh from the kitchen of Life and Thymez check out Zlata’s low-FODMAP recipe!  If you have a recipe or personal story you’d like to share about the low-FODMAP diet, please contact me for consideration to become a contributor!

Low-FODMAP and Gluten-Free Sesame Chicken with Spinach over Jasmine Rice

3 cups spinach
1 cup Jasmine Rice
2 cups water or Low-FODMAP chicken broth

1 cup Low-FODMAP chicken broth (Progresso Tuscany)
2 TBSP gluten-free tamari
2 TBSP brown sugar
1 TBSP garlic olive oil
2 TBSP rice vinegar
2 TBSP sesame oil

1lb chicken breast
Salt and pepper
2 TBSP gluten free flour
Olive oil for the frying pan


1. Cook rice according to package, replacing water with Low FODMAP chicken broth if desired.
2. In a small bowl, combine the chicken broth, brown sugar, tamari sauce, garlic olive oil, rice wine vinegar, and sesame oil. Set aside.
3. Wash and cut chicken into equal sized pieces.
4. Season with salt and pepper and place into a Ziploc® bag.
5. Add flour and shake around to coat.
6. Heat olive oil in pan and place chicken until it’s browned, about 5-7 minutes.Turn over and cook more, also about 5-7 minutes.
7. Add brown sauce and turn heat to medium-low to continue cooking chicken. The sauce will begin to thicken or alternately, you can also use cornstarch to thicken.
8. Add spinach and mix until wilted.

Top with sesame seeds. (Optional). Scoop chicken out onto rice and serve.

Learn more about Zlata here.

What’s the Best Diet for IBS?

Me in 2013
That’s me a few years ago!

I’ve been there…not wanting to leave the house, horrified at the thought of being in public, not wanting to even think about which clothes would fit for the night.  For a while I bought long shirts and sweaters or dresses without waistlines, anything to take the pressure off and hide my bloated belly.

It was in 2010, when my IBS symptoms were sudden and came out of the blue.  I went from competing in triathlons and road races to feeling so uncomfortable, that even walking was painful.  I became less and less active and my IBS didn’t really improve until I found the low-FODMAP diet in 2013.  Once I tried out this elimination diet, and then began to reintroduce foods, everything started to get easier and make more sense.

Food sensitivities/allergies and bacterial overgrowth, inflammation, lack of digestive enzymes, parasites –  these and many others can all lead to IBS.  Since there are so many factors that can contribute to IBS and various others factors that can make symptoms worse (diet, stress, pollution, environment) no one can truly pin one definitive cause or solution for IBS.  However, the good news, is that the low-FODMAP diet has worked for many people so far and it’s also a safer way to treat symptoms versus getting prescriptions for drugs.  Drugs come with side affects and they don’t all necessarily “cure” us.  Using “food as medicine” is something I feel very strongly about.

Young Woman Looking Out From Cutting Board And Looking On VegetaSo What’s the Best Diet for IBS?  The low-FODMAP diet doesn’t work for everyone but it does provide “good relief of symptoms in about 75% of patients” according to research in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology by Peter R Gibson and Susan J Shepherd titled Evidence-based dietary management of functional gastrointestinal symptoms: The FODMAP approach.  

Of all the recommendations I have seen about the best foods for IBS, the low-FODMAP diet seems to be the most calculated and scientifically-backed approach.  Many people visit my Facebook page and have discussions with each other are surprised as to why some can handle certain FODMAPs and others cannot.  I always tell our reactions or non-reactions are due to our distinct digestive systems, our environments and individual life situations.  Everyone is different!

Don’t get discouraged if you can’t handle one food or a group of specific foods – there are plenty of very healthy options out there, and life will be better once you know your gut!  Do your research, get several opinions and be aware of what you’re eating, how you’re eating and living.  Meditate on a daily basis, drink more water, follow the grocery list and think positively about all the good foods (and less sugar) you’re putting into your body!

Don’t forget to…

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